Prof. Ivo WelchUCLA Anderson School
110 Westwood Plaza (C524)
Box 951481
Los Angeles CA 90095-1481
Assistants: (310) 825-1953 or (310) 825-2508.
full title
J. Fred Weston distinguished professor of finance and
at the Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA.
Fred Weston was a very distinguished professor of finance at UCLA, a gentleman, and a scholar. He died on July 27, 2009 at the age of 93.
Both email addresses go to the same destination. They are my strong contact preference. I hate talking on the phone and I have come to hate Zoom. On either, I am always like a deer caught in the headlight.

I am originally from the city of Schweinfurt, Germany. Unfortunately, most of my school friends left town when they went to attend a university, me included. (And some have already passed away.) Some bits and pieces of information about Schweinfurt are in here.
I am also very proud to be a citizen of the liberal, non-nationalistic, open-hearted, and open-minded country that is Germany today. (I only wish its professional climate for academic research economists were internationally more competitive.)
David Stolin and Cristian Coldea talked me into a 1-hour video in which I talk about my background, which is here. It's a little narcissistic, but they actually made me look good, which is in itself a bit embarrassing. Please consider asking Cristian for filming your own introduction.
My mother, Charlotte Welch, owned the very successful Come Prima fashion store in Fulda, Germany, until 2022. My father passed away a long time ago, having survived Auschwitz. Not having had the opportunity to finish school, he was an entrepreneur.

My sister, Nina Welch-Kling, is a noted street photographer in New York. My sister, Jana Welch, is a noted sexologist in Hamburg.
My older cousin Henry Welch has written a book about his experiences during World War II. My younger cousins, Alexander Hamm, Michael Hamm, and Petra Hamm are all entrepreneurs.
ucla directory
UCLA Directory:
The parking lot next to Anderson is the most convenient visitor parking. It is UCLA parking lot #5. The visitor level is 6. From Sunset, drive south on Royce Drive, cross Charles Young Drive (twice, first on the right, then on the left). About 20 yards after the second CYD crossing, turn right. The entrance is just before a giant street ramp going down steeply. There is an automated pay kiosk.
other campus maps
- The Google map point for parking is PS 5, 110 Westwood Plaza, LA CA 90095, 34.074617,-118.442853.
- My favorite old-fashioned UCLA Campus Map.
- Interactive Slow UCLA Map
- Black-White pdf map
- Maps, Directions, Parking generic explanations.
- UCLA Anderson Maps
Unfortunately, UCLA transportation does not have much core competency when it comes to map displays. Fortunately for them, they have a monopoly on parking here, so they can afford to suck, both on their IT side and on their service side. (It is getting worse every year.) I apologize on UCLA's behalf. No one seems to really care there. It's a pretty unaccountable institution to its customers (of which they don't think as customers but more as petitioners) in a pretty large bureaucracy.
For historical interest, here is the Anderson Faculty Facebook, 1991. UCLA, colorized, in 1966: video.