Ivo Welch
...J. Fred Weston Distinguished Professor of Finance and
at the Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA
Progressives, DEI, Palestinians, and Israel
Exchange Rates and Stock Returns
Finding Effects of Exchange Rate Movements on Publicly Traded US Corporations
Banerjee (1992); Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer, Welch (BHW 1992); Welch (1992)
Often misunderstood
Fat-Tailed Heuristics
Heuristics for Fat-Tailed Stock Return Distributions: —1.25 — log(Z). (Financial Analysts Journal, forthcoming.)
Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: Explained, Critiqued, Replaced
FAQ on Climate Change
Set of Quick Q and A
AFA Demographics
Just curious...
InfoCascades With Many Choices
it's more robust than I thought!
Climate-Change & Economics
...and it's a free textbook!
More Video Sketches
views on lecturer Gordon Klein
Robinhood Investors
is there any crowd wisdom?
did high-beta stocks even outperform low-beta stocks in the long-run?
Information Cascades
do many possible action choices render cascades unimportant?
I do blog occasionally—sometimes, for therapy, sometimes for insight.
Most Recent Blog Posts
- UC filed a brief in favor of affirmative action in 2022. Fun Quiz: Rank UCLA undergrad students by most over-represented to most under-represented for (1) Asian-Americans; (2) Blacks; (2) Latinos; and (4) Whites. The answer is here.
- Musings about the 2022 Nobel Prize in Economics.
- What Do You Need To Know About Climate Change?
- Will the Fukushima Radioactive Water Release Harm the West Coast of the US?
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