2024- Teaching

MSBA 4-Week Finance Module


Corporate Finance

corporate finance

A free online textbook with a low-cost printed version, full instructor materials, a course administration site, a student self-test site, and much more. The best book there is, regardless of price. I also posted a presentation to the FMA at here

course and test site

My course pages are now hosted on syllabus.space, which is much simpler for both instructors and students than any alternatives. (Students not in a course using the system can also take free finance quizzes here.)

MFE 404

A first-to-second Corporate Finance and Economics course for MFE students, with emphasis on financial statements, comparables, and data and computer programming.

Older Courses

Informational Cascades, June 2023:
Stockholm Mini PhD Class

Stanford GSBGEN 341.1 Winter 2023:
Climate Change, Economics, Technology

Energy, Climate Change, and Finance

254-01 (PhD):
Empirical Corporate Finance



I have read many times in my teaching reviews that some students consider me arrogant. I don't think I am, but I do challenge my students the same way I challenge my colleagues and the same way I expect to be challenged myself by others. This is academia and my mannerism is just this way. Perhaps the best way to describe some students' misperceptions is by analogy with this famous scene from Lawrence of Arabia.


Day at The University

Helping less privileged.


A free IPO teaching case

3h Tour of Finance

Old but not badly aged

Old Exams

No answers

advice for

Students Undergrads MBAs MFEs PhD Applicants and PhD Students Profs finintro

Feel free to ignore. It is worth what you are paying for it.

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